Illusory Free Will



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Written by Muhammad Natsir Tahar

Are we like ants under a magnifying glass? Wandering in randomness (or regularity), with gestures guided by genetic algorithms. Keep doubting that we have free will. We are in constant control. We are not alone, there is a superior entity above us. Gazing from above with full control.

If this is the case, the free will warriors, the existentialist staunch thinkers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, are just a flash of a glimpse of a long stretch of human history. Kierkegaard, Sartre, Heidegger, Kafka, Camus, Nietzsche for example, have fought hard to humanize the Sapiens who have been too long (resigned) in confinement of the mind.

Existence precedes essence announced by Sartre revolves around the remoteness of human existence from whatever label is placed on a person, including professions, stereotypes, definitions, or categories and various other essences attributed to other people or systems.

We can examine whether determinism or free will wins. We cannot choose to be born from whose womb and on which earth's crust. We are given a name, given a religion, raised by all ties, norms, values, morals, customs, schools, countries, and any unwritten rules.

These are the ropes that bind our humanity, even in the most polite way. We are then given a label, brand, stereotype, definition, category, whatever and we are bound by it. As adults we tie ourselves more and more into professions, nationalism (all isms), political choices, sects, fashions, protocols, traditional customs, friendships, marriages and signs saying "Don't litter here".

Inside us. We are governed by biological algorithms. The way we walk, the color of our voice, the type of laugh, and the way we react to our environment are determined by our innate traits. The legend of Romeo and Juliet made it possible to condemn forced marriage. After all, all marriages are forced.

We have no free will to love anyone. They are impulses from chemical reactions in our brains. Romeo and Juliet (if successfully married) have been forced by love, something that is beyond their control. Something that is not free will. Qais even became majnun (crazy in Arabic), because he could not fight the love for Laila. Do we schedule to hate someone on Thursday morning at eight?

Even the reckless driver who feels the most free will, is in complete control of the entity above him. We call it God or any superior entity. God binds the driver to hit someone as a way to die, or a way to die for the driver, or he or she is always saved because of a different way of dying.

The victorious phase of humanism is almost completely over. When emerging experts call free will just an illusion after being instigated by Darwin, Huxley, and Einstein. Our thoughts are not real, says Professor Donald Hoffman.

We are truly in the manipulation of the universe. This means that Sartre et al are being laid off by modern and classical thinkers at the same time. Stuck in the middle and leaving the devotee in confusion. Will our humanity end? Cultural studies and the investigation of reason should go?

According to William Klemm, Ph, D, scientists have made a series of experiments to prove that the brain makes subconscious decisions before it is aware of them. In a typical experiment that favors illusory free will, a subject is asked to press a button freely at any time and pay attention to the position of the hour marker if the subject feels the need for movement to press the button first.

At the same time, brain activity is closely monitored on the part that controls movement mechanics. The results of this observation are surprising, it turns out that the subject shows changes in brain activity before he intends to make a movement. In other words, the subconscious is thought to issue orders before the conscious mind can decide to move.

Let's do a self-investigation, where we actually use free will. The determinists say we have been and are in full control of God, and ultramodern secularists, say Bostrom of Oxford, Terrile of NASA, and Elon Musk the King of Tesla, find the logical basis that we are in a simulated world under the supervision of a superior entity in the universe out there. Then by scientists, free will is considered an illusion.

Who is the winner? We can eximine the “Quantum of  Surrender” method developed by Erbe Sentanu from Indonesia. He stated that all problems in this world were easier to solve by surrendering to the Lord. Our brain waves must be in the same frequency with God and the universe.

Here free will must be liberated, for it may really not exist, only an illusion. Also in the method of right action, instinct is always superior to free will. If so, should all books on humanity be rewritten? Then all poets and humanists were dismissed from civilization? ~
